Grooming your Shiba.
Shibas have a double coat that sheds once or twice a year, The outer coat is harsh and the undercoat is soft and thick.
Shibas do require grooming to keep their skin and coat healthy.
Start grooming your puppy right away when you get him so he is used to the routine. I suggest putting your puppy in the tub with a couple of waterproof toys and gradually add warm water so he can play around. Gradually get him wet. There are many good puppy shampoos available and you should bathe and rinse him with warm water. Towel dry and keep your puppy warm when he is finished with his bath and completely dry. Do this at least once a week for the first six weeks or more often as necessary.
When he is older you do not have to bathe him as often. I would bathe an adult Shiba 4 times a year.
Dogs that are bathed frequently have less issues with hot spots and allergies.
I recommend a metal greyhound style comb and an undercoat rake for grooming tools. Do not furminate your shiba as that tool cuts the undercoat and will remove hair that is not ready to come out.
Instead I mist the dog with a spray bottle and use the metal comb to remove any small tangles. Starting on the back legs push the coat towards the head with your left hand and comb the fur towards the tail in 1/2 in rows until the comb goes through smoothly. This is called line combing.
If your Shiba is blowing(shedding) his undercoat you can remove it with this method or for faster removal use an undercoat rake working from head to tail.
After removing the loose coat a bath will have your Shiba feeling and looking great!
Nail care is almost always an issue for Shibas. They are very sensitive about their feet and can be extremely dramatic. Start young with a human toenail trimmer or a battery operated Dremel tool. Clip off the sharp curved tips of the nails. If there is a white toenail it is easier to see where the quick begins. If you do cut too deep do not panic. A little cornstarch on that nail will stop the bleeding and your puppy will probably not notice. At first your puppy will probably accept his nail trim. I suggest doing your puppy's nails weekly when he is young to get him used to the procedure. Once Shibas hit their teenage stage many decide they no longer want to tolerate a pedicure, Sometimes it helps to gently massage the foot before trimming the nail. You do not want your puppy to learn that struggling and screaming gets him out of his nail trim. If he is throwing a tantrum be calm and firm. Take your time and get at least one more nail trimmed before you quit, Give your puppy lots of praise when he is good and if you can't finish the job try again when the puppy is tired and calm.